
Here are the links to my brothers blog,, and my dads blog,

Sorry that I have not been posting lately, i am busy with HW and going out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


 Here are some pictures of a monkey farm.

 I swear that i have about 12 pictures of these monkeys together because i wanted a pic of one of the monkeys faces (the one on the left) but i couldn`t get one because he  turned his head my way, and i was just about to take a pic and he would turn the other way so i always got the back of his head.

 This is a pic of a monkey chasing me for no reason (it didnt help that he was the largest monkey of them all) so i was standing on the veiwer thing (which is a 100 yen in japan and around 25-50 cents in america) miding my own bisness when this monkey comes up. So i say "hi monkey say cheese!" and then you know what happended next

 mom and baby

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