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Sorry that I have not been posting lately, i am busy with HW and going out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Daienji Temple

Here are some pictures of the Daienji temple. In 1772, the people who ran the temple blundered (spelling word Mr. Fletcher) by leaving a lantern on, which caused a fire. After the fire they rebuilt the temple except they added some mini statues of buddhas, one for each death.

Above on the upper right hand corner are pictures (the one dragon spitting out water, or Forrest washing his hands) of tsukubai. A tsukubai is a sink-ish-thing where you wash your hands to purify yourself before you talk to the gods. They only have these in or at buddha temples. Here is the processes of washing your hands at a tsukubai:

  • First, you wash your left or right hand by picking up the little cup, and pouring the water over the opposite hand.
  • Do the same with the opposite hand.
  • Next, you pick up the cup and tilt it towards you, so that the water runs down the handle and onto your hand. You do this because if you touch the unwashed handle after washing your hands, your just getting them dirty again.
  • Finally, you take a sip of water and spit it out, not in the place where you wash your hands, but normally there is a 2nd ring around the tsukubai, otherwise, if their is not a 2nd ring, don't cleanse your mouth.


  1. That's sounds cool! Are you having fun in Japan!!!!


  2. Hi, We are looking at your blog every day in class. Keep posting! We just had a weekend with 80 degree weather. The kids are numb and can't think of anything to say. Most are suffering from sunburns. Molly says she is now inspired to go to Japan. Brooke woke up and says hi. We liked the cereal box, Jenna misses you and hopes you are having fun, Laura expects you to talk in Japanese (at least one sentence) and wants to hear it when you get back. We have to work now. Talk to you soon, 56 Gold

  3. Hi Amelia i posted a long comment were you were showing the balcony.

  4. Thanks guys! and laura, im going to have to practice more because I only know the sentence or phrase,

    Suistcasu a dokideska (SU-TS-CASE-U A DO-KA-DE-SKA)

    And that means, where are the suitcases?

  5. Hi Amelia, sounds like fun visiting Japan!
    Have you seen a ninja?.


  6. hi Amelia, in the slideshow of the wooden entrys are the some about Fire,air,water and ground?

    Bye have fun
